Tone2 Saurus Overview
Finally, true analog sound does no longer require compromises. This is an extremely authentic emulation of analog synthesizers.It covers all aspects of the most famous and expensive synths, but without disadvantages.
This program is downward-compatible with all previous versions. All existing song-projects and patches can be loaded without any further steps necessary. They will benefit from the enhanced sound-quality.
Features of Tone2 Saurus
Tooltips and Drag&Drop info can be hidden in the config section.
Added Digital Signatures for the installers on PC.
Added Notarisation for the installers on Mac.
Support for Code-Signing on the Mac, since newer hosts may require it to be able to run plugins.
Compatibility with MacOS Catalina.
Completely new AudioUnit interface.
A double-click on a knob resets in to the default value.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Supported OS: Windows 7/8/10
Processor: Pentium IV or higher
RAM: 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more