• Wed, Mar 2025

Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture 9.0.0 Free Full Activated

 Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture 9.0.0 Free Full Activated

Free download Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture 9.0.0 full version standalone offline installer for Windows PC,

Free download Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture 9.0.0 full version standalone offline installer for Windows PC,

Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture Overview

Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture is for anyone who wants to turn their visions into reality. The integrated step-by-step assistant (wizard) will quickly give you reliable results. 2D, 3D, and cross-sectional views help you keep an eye on your project and instantly spot missing parts or sections that need more work.

Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional is also so popular because of the large number of objects it ships with. Access over 1200 new 3D objects and 250 pre-made groups with the new group catalog! It contains groups of pre-assembled garages, kitchen units, garden sheds, and saunas. Please create your folders and access them directly from the catalog. It's a utility dream come true!

The program helps you identify and eliminate weaknesses and bottlenecks! Whether you're building a house or refurbishing - visualize in advance what the finished project will look like! Get the home design and 3D construction software that gets you results!

Features of Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture

Catalog with groups of pre-assembled garages, kitchen units, garden sheds, and saunas
New numerical input methods for walls
New numerical input tools for windows and doors
New numerical editing tools (edit tools) for walls, windows, and doors
Additional window and door parts, roller shutter boxes, blinds, borders
Creation of individual catalog folders and access within catalogs
Elevation dimensioning with values ​​above sea level in cross-sections and views
Over 1200 new 3D objects
New groups catalog with over 250 ready-made groups

System Requirements and Technical Details

Supported OS: Windows 10/11
RAM: 4 GB RAM (8 GB recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 4 GB or more