DDMF SuperPlugin Overview
Using the same elaborate plugin chaining under the hood is the right choice when you quickly want to create simpler chains (although the built-in 4-band frequency splitter isn’t precisely straightforward, of course…). With a few clicks, you can populate the plugin slots with all your favorite plugins, whether in VST, VST3, or AU format.It handles the routing for you; everything is automated as far as possible. If you’ve always wanted to create your custom plugin chains but have been somewhat overwhelmed by all the options Metaplugin has, It is happy to help you out! As an additional bonus, It is also available as a standalone app for live playing of software synths & effects
Features of DDMF SuperPlugin
Four plugins in serial before a 4x4 multiband block, which is summed and fed into another four plugins in serial
Parallel section either in multiband or in whole and parallel mode
Quickly move or copy plugins to other slots
Double precision audio processing when supported by DAW and plugin format (not for Audio Units)
Convenient plugin organizer: scan your plugins once, then drag and drop them onto the graph area
User preset section for cross-DAW preset management
Support for native Apple Audio Unit plugins
Standalone version: play software synths and custom patches without the need for a DAW
Individual bypass for each loaded plugin
Total plugin delay compensation included
Automate up to 100 parameters by mapping them on any parameter of a loaded plugin
Negligible additional CPU overhead
Synths can also be loaded and played with any MIDI control, which means you can create custom synthesizers with existing building blocks
System Requirements and Technical Details
Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more