Longtion Database Application Builder Overview
Create a database application with it. Database applications let users interact with information that is stored in databases. Databases provide structure for the information and allow it to be shared among different applications.It provides support for relational database applications. Relational databases organize information into tables, which contain rows (records) and columns (fields).
These tables can be manipulated by simple operations known as relational calculus. You can design a user interface to display data to the user and allow the user to enter new information or modify existing data.
Features of Longtion Database Application Builder
Create desktop applications, database applications and Web applications without writing any code
Connect to database servers
Connect directly to Microsoft Jet OLE Database (Access) database files
Create database tables
You can display information from a single record on the screen, or list the information from multiple records using a grid (DBGrid)
Create master/detail relationships
Define lookup fields
Define calculated fields
Analyze and summarize information from databases so that users can draw conclusions from the data
Print database information
Export report to PDF (.pdf), RichText (.rtf), Excel (.xls), Text (.txt) files
You can build standalone Web applications for intranet (for your local net work) exactly the same way you would build normal database applications. It is a revolutionary new way to create web-based applications
System Requirements and Technical Details
Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more